Looking back: What I learned in 2013
One of the things I like best about blogging is to write down experiences. By writing things down, I learn from them once more. As such, I could not pass on the opportunity to reflect on some of the things I learned the past year. Some learnings are more personal, some are more professional. Being a founder I’ve never really been able to separate the two anyway. So why start today? I hope that some of my learnings are useful for you too.
Mind your cashflow.
I’m not a firm believer that having a lot of money makes you happy. But I’ve also learned this year that too little money most definitely makes you unhappy. Hitting rock bottom on a monthly basis makes for quite some stress. Much more than I expected when starting out as an entrepreneur. In addition, you give up bandwidth for long(er) term projects because you’re too worried about short term (financial) survival. I actually read...