The killer app for learning JS

I’ve recently been learning JavaScript through EloquentJavascript (EJ) tutorials. Somebody on reddit pointed me to it, and I must say: Its been absolutely insane. This is by far the best tutorial I’ve seen in a long, long time. And being a self-taught programmer, I’ve seen quite a few. I would definitely recommend it to anyone, whether you’re just getting started or a bit further ahead. EJ starts really easy, explaining how basic concepts like arrays and variables are set up in JavaScript. But already in chapter 6 & 7 your head starts exploding with higher order functions and object oriented programming.

I find EJ even more very interesting because the momentum Javascript currently has when it comes to Web development. As much as I love Python, JavaScript is probably a much better place to start right now if you’re looking into Web Development. Especially because it can be used client side and server side these days, it gives you results much quicker.


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The dark side of being technical

In the past, I’ve written a fair bit about why non-technical founders should consider to pick up coding. Although I still believe that there’s a lot of truth in this, I’ve recently also experienced a downside of becoming more technical... Continue →